Monday, July 16, 2012

Malibu Camping

Little did I know, but just a mere 40 minutes away from my West Hollywood apartment lies the best "stay-cation" around....Malibu Creek campgrounds. Once we arrived, I had forgotten that we were still in Los Angeles; I felt so far from home. It was amazing to soak up such fresh air, and see nothing but trees and hills in the distance (with no mansions built upon them). But of course, with any adventure comes an easy wardrobe. Hope you enjoy what I picked out to roam the hills of Malibu!

Fedora: Diane's Swimwear, Tank: Wasteland thrift store, Shorts: Ted Baker London, Shoes: Vans, Sunnies: Ray-Bans

Hiked to a nearby lake. Who knew this was tucked away in Malibu canyon?!?

It was so hot out, we all decided to hop in for a swim; so refreshing!

Nighttime escapades
1) I got cold so I morphed into an eskimo
2) Our campfire
3) Smore's (SO neccesary)
4) my home for the night; roughin it in a tent!

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