Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Book Release Party

Not only do I adore modern day fashion, but I am a complete nerd when it comes to the history of fashion. One day, a good German friend approached me to be the author of a fashion book he was creating. I could not say YES fast enough. Before I knew it, I was writing and reasearching fashion for hours everyday after work, and I was slowly submitting my writing to him so he could turn it into an editor. Long story short, we have the creation of Fascination Fashion. It is a gorgeous "coffee table" style book that goes through the last 5 decades of fashion (1960-2010) with biograhies of 21 different major designers sprinkled throughout the pages. (Currently, it is only sold in Germany, but I hope to bring it to the states soon!)

Enjoy these pictures from the launch party in Germany!

So exciting to see my work on a bookshelf!

The book has been creatively packaged to hang with rails of clothes in retail locations.

My good friend, Felix (in the middle), showcasing the book with two friends.

Party-goers enjoy some champagne.

Wish I could have been there to enjoy it myself!

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